An Ode to Portraits



The first girl in our game
Elisabeth, may her rigntful name
A queen in reign, a lady of fame
O twinkling eyes with purest flame
Abuse your ear, easy to tame
Apolo or gargoyle, much to the same
So let it go, what a shame
Whisper endless pattles to clownish lame
Seeing me off from gorgeous frame
If not herself, who to blame?


The second one was an elf in sylva
Silky hair meandered in elfin silver
Her sweet voice's soft like a warbler,
like magic spell spinning woods twirler
Above fontaine, nignt start to gather
Our threads of fate mingled together
"May love be fresh and last forever!"
"But elves and men of flesh could never,
unless you drink the poisonous spring under."
Cause only the dead is immortal, I wonder


The third maiden has half fish bone
Deep in ocean where mermaid grown
Pearl crown, shell throne
But she fled out that cozy zone
Sit on the estuary, listen to my xylophone
One day I missed, she waited alone
Moan and groan, river flown
Too long off water, stiffen into stone
Gales blown, with sweetest tone
She can't hear, even I call her my own


A portrait is a mirror of what we intend
And the very tale has not yet end

Original Manuscript

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